If-Else | ehealth Coding Tutorial

By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:

  1. use if and else statements in Python for decision-making type of code in healthcare
  2. understand some of the Boolean operators used in Python
  3. understand and explain Booleans in coding to a non-technical person

Next Video: Loops

Tutorial Series

Episode Title Length
1 Introduction 3:42
2 Installing Python and Jupyter Notebook 7:02
3 Running Jupyter Notebook 3:33
4 Numbers 7:30
5 Variables 9:45
6 Functions 15:34
7 Strings 12:10
8 Lists 19:49
9 If-Else 22:03
10 Loops 9:46
11 Dictionaries 14:47
12 Libraries and Documentation 17:20
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