MSc ehealth / MHI Admissions Application Editing

Application editing for 2025 entry is now open.

Please read "How it Works", "How I will help", and "What I will NOT do" below before submitting the order form.

About Me

I'm a graduate of the MSc ehealth program at McMaster University currently working full-time in the Canadian healthcare system. When I was applying to the graduate degree, I was accepted into both MSc ehealth at McMaster and MHI at University of Toronto.

For my MSc ehealth studies at McMaster, I was offered full scholarship and NSERC CGS-M scholarship. After entering MSc ehealth class and getting to know my colleagues, I realized that many of my classmates are just as (or even more) deserving of these scholarships. It was largely my exceptional application writing (and interview) skills that enabled me to stand out among other highly qualified applicants for me to be awarded these prestigious scholarships.

I also personally know exceptional candidates who were rejected by admissions. After seeing their application, I was not surprised at their disappointing application outcome due to mediocre writing in their application. Unfortunately, the admissions committee will only get to know you through your application and interview, nothing else.

I want to help you score the admissions offer through writing a great application.

More info about me at

How it Works

  1. Complete a draft of all essays / resume / CV / research statement / letter of intent for your application – try to aim for a little over the word limit (if word limit exists) – it’s easier to cut down during editing than to add content.
  2. Complete and submit the order form below – with your application materials uploaded. The order confirmation screen will contain my phone number – in case your request is urgent, please call me to let me know and I will do my best to get back to you sooner.
  3. I will typically respond by email within 48-72 hours with draft edit for you to review. Within first draft, I will often ask you to add important points, clarify some parts, and also provide you with further instructions to follow. If you have any questions about my comments/suggestions, simply email me and I'll respond at my earliest convenience.
  4. Once you addressed my comments in first draft edit, please email them back to me.
  5. Within 24-48 hours, I will make final revisions to your application and make sure everything is within word limit (if word limit exists). At this point, your application is ready to submit.
  6. You will review the finalized application materials and submit to school. (or feel free to ask me any additional questions).

How I will help

  • I will make sure your use of English language and grammar is correct.
  • I will make sure your writing is concise, cohesive, and persuasive.
  • I will make sure you have included key items that the ehealth/MHI admission committees look for.
  • I will make sure you have expressed a correct understanding of digital health informatics that is consistent with Canadian healthcare system.
  • I will make sure you have best used your best and most relevant experiences in your writing.
  • In general, I will make sure you have best portrayed yourself as a promising future digital health informatics professional that is a fit for the school you're applying to.

What I will NOT do

  • I will not make up false content.
  • I will not write your whole application for you. You need to complete a first draft.
  • I will not tell you what other applicants wrote.
  • I will not compare your application with others.

Order Form

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